Self Protection︱Self Defence

When a fair gender, be it a women of 40s or a little girl of 3 yrs old,  takes a step outside of her home is not safe. We all are aware of the heinous act that took place in Delhi couple of days ago, a 23 years old girl was brutally molested in a running bus by 6 people. And is it clear that our government is not going to amend the law with death sentence for the culprits, if there ever is going to by any amendment at all. In my opinion, death sentence to those 6 perverted-monsters or to any monster who commit such a crime of molesting/abusing/rape is an easy way out, too easy, they should be chopped or shot in public. Death sentence is for those who murder a person at once. But abuse is like murdering a  girl again and again and any heart wrenching brutal punishment to such perverted monsters is less. Their faces should be shown in media every 5 minutes so that the family of the culprits can also suffer humiliation But to demand that I am going to take the help of social media. Here I want to have a talk about Self Protection & self defense.

When I was in 12th, my math tutor used to say to the students who used to drive, “When you drive, keep in mind that everyone on street is there to hit you. Then you’ll be safe”. I want to tell you the same, be cautious, keep your eyes open. You can not rely on anybody to keep you safe, it is clear from the past year’s world wide female abuse statistics. Then what to do? You may ask.
When you travel in an airplane,  air hostess always gives safety and emergency brief. For just in case of adverse situations. So that’s how I guess we all girls will have to live in India from now on till… well till our law system is improved or till the rest  of our lives because I don’t see that happening anytime soon

I am not an expert and I am pretty sure that most of you must be already aware about the safety measures I am suggesting, And I am not implying that any girl could have avoided it if she’d only done/not done some particular thing. I also am not implying that you are not taking any safety measure. All I am trying to convey is when the world is filled with such heinous monsters and governing bodies are not taking this matter much seriously and when the police is failing to keep us safe, in this scenarios, just to ease up our minds, we have to keep few things in mind.

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