On a rainy day…

On a rainy day it’s blissful when you kiss me. I hold my breath, you touch and I’m carefree World can explode, turn to ashes. Parish for all I care, as long as you are there on a rainy day, every day, Baby… You got the key to my heart but you tore us apart now I’m cold and lonely and I won’t stop until … Continue reading On a rainy day…

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One step at a time

This post grabbed the WOW Badge as part of the Write Over The Weekend contest conducted by Blogadda. Black, a colour of absence, Mourning and war, sophistication and power. Black is a mystery, untold and encoded. Black, colour of nothingness. I can take a stroll in the rest of the house without hitting anything and pick anything without any assistance but the storeroom is a … Continue reading One step at a time

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